The Team


Michael Tucker

Twitter: @michaeltuckerla

I created Lessons from the Screenplay as a way to deepen my knowledge of screenwriting and share what I learned with other storytellers. After years of doing various editing gigs, I really wanted to return to my creative, writer/director roots and continue my pursuit of filmmaking. So with a bit of research, a lot of work, and some luck, I launched LFTS in June of 2016.

Favorite movies include: Star Wars, Ex Machina, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Se7en, Children of Men, Inside Out, The Prestige, and When Harry Met Sally.


Tricia Aurand |


Twitter: @TriciaJeanA

I'm a screenwriter and playwright in LA, and Michael and I have several mutual friends (LA is a small town!). In the fall of 2017, we reconnected at a wedding and spent the entire evening talking movies and screenwriting. A few months later, Michael asked if I'd like to take a stab at writing a script, so I pitched him my take on Jurassic Park. Fortunately, he loved it because who wouldn't?

Favorite movies include: Casablanca, Jaws, Singin’ in the Rain, No Country for Old Men, Trainspotting, all James Bond movies, Amelie, and thousands more.


Brian Bitner



Twitter: @BrianBitner

A friend introduced me to Lessons from the Screenplay, pointing out that it was similar to a film analysis column I was writing at the time. I reached out to Michael, after which he brought me onboard to provide feedback and help with research for a few videos. Eventually, Michael offered me the chance to write a video on Collateral, and the rest is history!

Favorite movies include Fight Club, American Beauty, Labyrinth, Being John Malkovich, The Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, The Lord of the Rings, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, The Social Network, and many, many more.


Alex Calleros | Filmmaker/Editor

Twitter: @Alex_Calleros

I met Michael back in college at UC Santa Cruz film school and we have been collaborating as writers, directors, and producers ever since. After spending the past several years editing documentaries (along with a detour into political organizing), I jumped at the opportunity to lend my skillset to the LFTS team. But most of all, it's been a joy to once again be collaborating day-in and day-out with my one of my best friends.

Favorite Films: Children of Men, The New World, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Fountain, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Black Swan, Her, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Get Out, Inception, Oceans, Being John Malkovich, Ex Machina, many more I'm forgetting...


Vince Major | Creative Support Specialist

Twitter: @VinceMajor

I first met Michael at an audition in 2013. Years later we reconnected at a film festival here in Los Angeles. I've been with Lessons from the Screenplay since day zero hanging out behind the scenes giving notes.

Favorite movies: The Shawshank Redemption, V for Vendetta, The Matrix, The Empire Strikes Back.